The world of new technologies is constantly changing, each year we learn about solutions and ideas that respond to developing trends. As we enter a new year, it’s worth reviewing the topics that are currently most popular. Are metavers the future of the new technology market? How does the mobile industry look tomorrow? Despite their fluidity, trends are setting the next directions of development. We will try to introduce you to selected trends for 2023.
New technology world full of trends for 2023
We have been witnessing rapid development in the technology industry for several decades, and the innovations that define it will change just as quickly. Trends depend on the region, socio-cultural factors, and issues that affect the area such as a potential recession, available energy resources, and the political situation. In its 2022 report, Gartner detailed strategic technology trends that will be global in scope and common to many regions. Most importantly, in 2023 we will see further digital transformation that will take advantage of both technologies already available and those that are just on the horizon.
More and more, faster and faster, or the dominance of wireless technology
The first trend to stand out in the new year is the development of a new generation of connectivity and the diversification of wireless sources. According to Gartner, by 2025 more than 60% of enterprises will use five or more wireless technologies simultaneously. Progress will be based not only on the development of 5G networks, 4G, LTE, Wi-Fi 5, 6 and 7 will also remain in use. In addition, super-applications, which will combine the functions of several separate applications in the space of a single platform, will become increasingly important. Such developments will greatly simplify work organization and reduce the number of programs on our phones and computers.

The power of artificial intelligence
Another ever-present trend is the development of artificial intelligence. The topic has been present in culture and the public space not long ago, and surely everyone has seen at least one movie featuring it. Artificial intelligence will continue to evolve, but in 2023 it is predicted that adaptive AI, which uses real-time feedback to update its knowledge, will dominate. Thus, the issue of trust, risk and security management in terms of AI, as well as overall network security, is gaining importance. Metavers, which is defined as a collective, virtual, three-dimensional shared space created by the convergence of virtually enriched physical and digital reality, also remains a current topic. Although it is unlikely to become mainstream for now, it is steadily becoming a strong trend, and the idea itself will gradually develop, regardless of devices.

A decade of dynamic development. What has shaped the mobile market in Poland?
Over the past decade, mobile devices have become increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Many of us can imagine spending a day on a deserted island, but a day without a phone is something that gives many people a headache. The growing capabilities of smartphones have meant that inside this small device, many functions are encapsulated that make our daily lives easier. Additionally, in the era of social media, phones have become an extension of communication and interpersonal relationships. The increase in their popularity is evident in Digital Care’s „10 Years of the Mobile Revolution” report, which shows that the number of people using smartphones has risen as high as 76.8% by 2022. The current state of the mobile market and technology is a product of many technological and marketing developments.
The great success of smartphones is not only due to the marketing efforts of global giants such as Apple and Samsung, but is also due to the development of the wireless communications system. The introduction of 4G networks has resulted in the introduction of cheaper and more capacious data transfer, which has greatly facilitated the use of mobile Internet. Currently, almost 70% of Poles say they use the Internet every day. However, we can expect that gradually the 5G network will replace the older generation network. One trend that will also affect the current state of the mobile market is the ever-increasing number of mobile applications. There are currently more than 230 million apps on the market. Their large number responds to the needs of users, but at the same time results in the phenomenon of overload, or overkill. We focus on selected apps and try to limit the number of apps on our phone to the most necessary ones. The mobile payment system has also developed, thanks to which we can also pay with our phone while shopping. Currently, Poles have 7 million mobile cards and 12.2% of all transactions are made using mobile payments. The development of mobile payments testifies to the convenience and comfort of using modern solutions.

The development of mobile technologies has coincided with an increase in consumer awareness of environmental issues, so it is important for users to make sure that the product they use is safe for the planet. Eco-activities are important, as much as 64% of the public, hence activities such as sustainability strategy or taking care of the ecological life cycle of a product from production to reuse are becoming increasingly popular. An example of a brand responding to this trend is Bioio, which has a portfolio of fully biodegradable toppers and GSM equipment made with reduced use of plastic and replacing it with natural wheat bran. While we can’t be sure how the mobile market will continue to develop we can still say that we are in for an interesting technological turn.

Smartphone in a state of evolution, or what awaits us in the future
The changes in the mobile market are not only the appearance of smartphones, but also their functionalities, they are a natural extension of technological changes and the actions of competitors. In the next few years, the integration of smartphones into our lives will steadily deepen. Already the phone accompanies us in the course of dealing with private matters, sometimes even intimate ones, as well as during work. It’s hard to imagine that in the near future, any other device will be able to replace the smartphones we know so well except, for example, smartwatches. Smartwatches are equipped with many practical functions that accompany us every day, such as the Forevive Petite from Forever, which is a fashionable accessory and at the same time has, among other functions, a heart rate monitor, menstrual calendar or pedometer. Smartphones are perfectly adapting to the technological changes taking place and every innovation is immediately translated into the mobile market and serves the development of this area.

In addition, one can see several major trends that will continue to develop intensively within mobile devices. For a long time now, we have been experimenting with screens and their size, quality and more recently form. We can already fold smartphones like older flip phones and flexible technology will continue to develop. Maybe soon it will be possible to do anything with a phone and wrap it around your hand? Artificial intelligence will play an increasingly important role, we will witness the expansion of its capabilities, even now it is used for texting, photography and translation. Cyber security and biometrics may also catch our attention. The field of biometrics is becoming more common as security for smartphones and other tasks. It will continue to grow in the near future and provide new ways to verify identity. Environmental trends also remain topical, which are increasingly important to the collective consciousness in the face of ongoing climate change.
The further future of the mobile market is hard to guess, human imagination has no limits. Already there is talk of the concept of living phones, smart tattoos based on nanotechnology instead of smartphones, and even connections via holograms. All these futuristic visions sound very interesting, maybe soon we will be able to live in the future like in science fiction movies, but for now it is certain that the mobile market will continue to develop and respond to trends and user needs.

If you are interested in the smartwatch trend read
Wszystkie produkty dostępne w wybranych sklepach z akcesoriami GSM, w sklepach online na terenie całego kraju.
Firma TelForceOne, właściciel marki Forever, jest częścią polskiej Grupy Kapitałowej TelForceOne S.A. i jednym z największych producentów i dystrybutorów elektroniki użytkowej w Polsce i Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. W portfolio znajdują się nowoczesne rozwiązania technologii mobilnych, elektroniki użytkowej, akcesoriów GSM.